A liability insurance policy covers professionals, self-employed people, business owners and business organizations against the cost of compensation claims due to malpractice, injury or negligence. Liability insurance protects the Insured from the risks of liabilities imposed by lawsuits and similar claims and protects the insured if and when they are sued for clauses covered by the insurance policy.

Types of liability insurance policies are as below

Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance

CGL policy protects the businesses against the claims arising out of bodily injury and property damage arising out of:




Completed Operations

Losses caused due to advertising and personal injury

Directors and Officers Liability Insurance

D & O Insurance accords protection to Directors and officers from liability arising from actions connected to their corporate responsibilities. The policy provides indemnity to the directors and officers in respect of Legal costs in defending proceedings brought against them alleging wrongful acts in their managerial capacity. It covers the directors and officers against the claims made by:







Other stakeholders

Professional Indemnity Insurance or Errors & Omissions Insurance

Professional Indemnity/ Errors and Omissions Insurance cover provides protection for the company and its subsidiaries for claims brought in respect of negligent acts, errors or omissions in the performance of professional services.

Cyber Risk Insurance

Cyber insurance policy is designed to help an organization or business to cover against the liability and property losses arising due to any electronic activity that the business engages in. This policy helps to offset the risk involved with recovery, after a cyber-related security breach. This policy is intended to protect businesses and individuals from Internet-based risks, and more generally from risks relating to information technology infrastructure, information privacy, information governance liability, and activities related thereto. Coverage provided by cyber-insurance policies may include first-party coverage against losses such as data destruction, extortion, theft, hacking, etc.

Commercial Crime Insurance

Commercial Crime Insurance policy offers to protect the businesses against the losses due to third-party fraud, employee dishonesty / fraud, theft of money (or securities), burglary, robbery, forgery.

Carrier Legal Liability Insurance

Carrier legal liability insurance covers the insured for the physical loss or damage to goods or merchandise directly caused by fire or/and accident to the vehicle while such goods or merchandise are in transit. It covers for the losses of the goods or merchandise when they are in the custody of the insured.

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance covers the business against the claims arising with respect to its products and services. This policy covers claims, which the insured becomes legally liable to pay to third parties as a result of bodily injury or property damage arising out of the use or consumption of products manufactured, sold and /or distributed by the Insured.

Public Liability Insurance

Public Liability Insurance offers cover for third party liabilities (Bodily Injury / Property Damage) arising out of the premises and operations of the Insured and legal costs incurred in connection therewith. Below are the policies offered:

Public Liability Policy (Industrial Risk)

Public Liability Policy (Non- Industrial Risk)

Public Liability Insurance Act Policy

Workmen / Employee Compensation Insurance

Workmen / Employee Compensation Insurance policy provides protection to the employer against the statutory liabilities. With the advent of global work environment and increased employee right awareness, the policy provides protection to the employers from costly law suits and claims for exorbitant compensation. One of the key responsibilities of an organization is to provide a safe and healthy working environment. In the unfortunate event of an employee suffering a bodily injury (temporary or permanent) or death during the course of employment, the Employer is legally liable to pay compensation to the Employee under the Employee’s Compensation Act 1923 and subsequent amendments of the said Act, The Fatal Accidents Act 1855, and at Common Law.